Welcome to the Sanchez Family. We are a God loving, church going, unconditional loving, Army family of three wild and crazy boys and one 100 pound english bulldog, taking it one day at a time. I'm the mom, the only girl in the house, and the Queen. Hang on tight, it's sure to be a wild ride!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Looks like we are headed to sunny CA!

Well ladies and gentlemen, we are moving the Sanchez Family once again. This time we will be headed back to California where Cesar will be recruiting for the Army. We got a temporary report date yesterday and should have "official" orders by Friday the 27th. Then we can call transportation and set up a time for them to come pack up the house. We are in a little bit of a hurry due to Noah's arrival and my ability to travel. It looks like we will be heading out there around the 15th of March. There is a lot to be done here at home in the next few weeks. The house needs to be put on the market, doctors need to be found in Ca, records requested here ect... I am asking for prayers for a quick sell of the house, safe travel, a quick adjustment for Zachary and Isaiah and a healthy arrival of Noah. The good thing is I can still update the blog from anywhere so I will keep you posted!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

18 months!

I am late on this I know, but we were in California when he turned 18th months! We have not had an 18th month check up yet, we are scheduled next Thursday so I will give you the stats then. I am sure he is growing just fine!

He is into everything. He is growing so fast, right before my eyes it seems. He is finally starting to talk. I still think he is behind, but it is a lot better than 15 months. He now wakes up and yells for mama. It melts my heart. He climbs on everything, the kitchen table, the end table, the gate, the chairs, Z's bed ect... He has broken one lamp so far, I am sure there will be more. He loves his brother and wants to do everything he does. He is a pretty good eater, loves any kind of fruit. He just started dipping food. He is not a big fan of ketchup, but wants it if Zachry has it. He likes to tease the dogs and barks like one. That is his only animal noise. He can build with blocks a 2 block tower. He can hit a baseball off the tee. He throws really well. He uses both hands to eat and throw. He loves balls, any size or shape. He is attached to his blanket and paci still. His favortie show is Handy Manny and the Backyardigans. He loves to dance and it's really funny when he does. He signs more and now says it too. He watches everything you do and repeats most of it. I caught him trying to cut his toenails with the clippers the other day!

I am sure I have missed a lot of his skills. He is so special to us. I can't imange my life without him. I always thought I would have a house full of little girls but now I can not imange my life without my boys! Isaiah you are the best little thing and Mommy and Daddy love you more and more each day. We can not wait to see what you do next. I know you will accomplish lots of great things! love you bunches baby!

More pictures from Califronia

Valentine Day pictures from California

Trip to CA!

We got back from California yesterday after a long day of flying! We had a great time out there. The kids were spoiled by the grandparents and they got to play with their cousins that they usually don't get to see. I took some pictures, not as many as I would like. The big boys are hard to catch on camera! Isaiah did pretty well out there. He slept ok, the time change really got him. Some mornings he was up at 4:30 CA time. It made for a tired mommy. I also had to rock him to sleep, something I don't do here at home. He has a hard time falling asleep anywhere but home. He slept ok once he was asleep though. We also shared a room, something that is hard on mommy! Zachary, of course, took to the time change and everything else like a champ. He always does. He is my go with the flow baby, or big boy. I got to have a girls day with my sister in law and we spent Valentine's Day with the kids since we were both without our sweethearts. It was a fun filled night at McDonalds and then this frozen yogurt place that was great! I can not wait to go back there again. Enjoy all the pictures!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Not About Me Tuesday

Tuesday's Tribute
Yet Another Jay and Deb Production.

Here is my first entry on Tuesday for Not all about Me! Today I would like to thank my California Family. I just came back from a week long trip to see Cesar's side of the family and to let the boys be spoiled by the grandparents! It was really nice. It was a great break for mom, who desperately needed one with Cesar gone. My sister in law treated me to a pedicure and manicure and a girls day on Monday and I will be forever grateful! It was so nice to spend the day with another grown up and no kids! My mother and father in law cooked great meals and loved on the boys the whole time. They also gave me a surprise shower for Noah while I was there. It is so nice to have such a wonderful family! Thanks to you all!