Welcome to the Sanchez Family. We are a God loving, church going, unconditional loving, Army family of three wild and crazy boys and one 100 pound english bulldog, taking it one day at a time. I'm the mom, the only girl in the house, and the Queen. Hang on tight, it's sure to be a wild ride!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Want to know what we do while Isaiah is playing tball?

I love these wild and crazy boys!

There are days when I am begging 7:30pm to come.  Bed time for my little monsters and at last all is finally quiet!  Most days however I am loving all the wild and crazy things that they do.  They each have their own personality and it is neat to watch them interact with each other.  (Did I just say neat?!?!  I think that dated me!!)  They love each other so much and in between the knock down drag outs, little sibling spats, it is nice to watch, and even better to hear.  When I am in the other room I love listening to the two little ones play.  Isaiah loves to call Noah chabubas, why I have NO idea, but he does and it's cute.  He also loves to tell Noah that he has to do things because they are brothers.  Most of the time Noah could care less that they are brothers, he wants to do his own thing all of the time.  With Zachary being gone to school most of the day the two little ones have to play together, but when Zachary gets home they all the sudden have no time for each other and only want their biggest brother to play.  They do not share his attention very well at all.  This almost always ends up in a fight.  Zachary is an amazing big brother he plays so well with them in spite of the 5 year age difference between him and Isaiah and the 7 year difference between him and Noah.  It is nice to see.

Enjoy some pictures of my boys at baseball and when daddy came home!!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

This man.....

will be home in just a couple of hours and we sure are happy!!

Yes I know it was just 2 weeks and it wasn't a deployment and this probably wont' be the last time.  I have heard it all.  Next time it might be worse, next time it might be longer, I knew what I signed up for.  It's part of being an army wife.  I have heard it all and I get it, but it still sucks when they have to go no matter how long it is or what it is for!  For now I am counting my blessing he is home where he belongs, we will deal with next time when it comes!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday to my sweet Isaiah!

What a day!  It was busy, loud, fun, hot, wet, and a little sad.  We were missing daddy so much today.  Isaiah is so blessed to have so many friends and family who love him so much and want to celebrate with him on his special day.  Uncle Roman really stepped up filling in for daddy today.  He hung the banner, helped with the tablecloths and maned the pinata!  Enjoy a few pictures of my middle boy's 4th birthday!  Thanks to all who came out to celebrate!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Happy Birthday to my furry son!

Today is Pancho Villa's birthday!!  I am a little overwhelmed this week so he did not get his usual homemade birthday cake.  He had to settle for scrambled eggs with a candle, I don't think he minded!!  We named him after our FAVORITE Mexican restaurant at Ft. Campbell!! Oh how I crave that place!!! 

Enjoy the pictures daddy!!  We did celebrate your puppy while you are gone.  Miss you!!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

For Daddy, Isaiah's 1st tball practice

My favorite sport to watch hands down is NFL football!  I live for MNF and ESPN for those months. 

My favorite sport to watch my babies play.......baseball!  Something about seeing them hit that ball and run for first makes my heart burst with pride.  I think it might have something to do with my family.  They are a baseball family for sure!  My granddaddy loved the Cincinnati Reds, Shelbyville American Legion and any team his grandchildren or great-grandchildren played for.  My gran still does!  I know if the Reds are on it's not too late to call, she will still be up cheering them on!  My dad and Uncle Mark played enough baseball to last a lifetime, my brother in law played, my cousins played, the list goes on and on.  I can not watch a game on tv, or see my babies playing that I do not think of my granddaddy.  I know he is up in Heaven with his chair on the fence watching Z play and now Isaiah.  It makes me so happy to see my boys carrying on a tradition that meant so much to him.  He was smiling tonight for sure.

Daddy couldn't be here for this first practice, his Army job needs him more than us right now.  That's ok, we will survive, although we miss him like crazy.  When I talked to him this afternoon he asked me if I was going to take pictures?!  Really, who did he think he was talking too?!  I am the queen of pictures, I would NEVER let something like this happen with out documenting every stage of the game!  So yes, I took 72 pictures of a 1 hour practice.  Don't worry, I will not make you look at every single one!  Just the highlights, enjoy.

Isaiah's Army party at school!

Today we had Isaiah's 4th Birthday party at school.  It was his first school birthday party!  He chose an Army theme for the party.  We took a pinata that was a tank and treat bags for everyone.  He had a really good time.  I am so glad that he is in a preschool that lets me bring in things and be such a big part of his school day!!  Enjoy the pictures Daddy!!  We are sad that you could not be there to see this!!!  We love you!

**Disclaimer**  Yes I know that was a pull string pinata!!  A bat and 22 three year olds just didn't seem like a good idea!!